Sunday, June 12, 2011

all the chachkies you could dream of.

Some clowns chillin on some chairs.

Hunt, scavenge, dumpster-dive. If any of those words appeal to you, you're going to love the main blesi trh (flea market) in Prague. Providing visitors with a vast array of anything and everything from raunchy Czech porn to giant jars of nutella (and probably raunchy Czech porn involving nutella), this market allowed for a stupendous morning of exploration. 

Located on the Kolbenova stop of the yellow metro line, Prague's main blesi trh is open from 6am - 130pm on Saturday and Sunday mornings. The vendors start packing up around 12:30pm but a lot usually hang around till 2. If you walk out of the metro station, you can't miss it across the street to your right. You have to pay a small 20 CZK entrance fee, but it's well worth it. Be forewarned, you need one 20 CZK, two 10 CZKs or a euro to pop into the turnstile when you enter. It's a pretty big rip off to put a euro in, so make sure you have coins. 

Blankets spread far and wide, dust clouds dancing down the aisles, the blesi trh offers something for everyone. If your in the mood, which you will be after the pleasant aromas waft your way, there's even some food stands to get schnitzel, smazni syr and various other fried deliciousness. For whatever reason, the vendors display quite a lot of underwear and military paraphernalia.  I know, two things that clearly belong together, and all this time, this perfect harmony of nonsensical objects has fallen by the wayside. It pretty much blew my mind. 

Although you will probably need to shower afterwards, I highly recommend venturing out on this dirty journey. Even if you're sure you could never buy something at a flea market, I promise you will. It's so tempting to buy lots of completely useless, yet highly necessary chachkies, so make sure you limit yourself to only the absolute must-haves. Personally, I was torn between a fur military hat and a compass - I went with the compass. At least when I got lost amongst the grit and grime of the blesi trh, I was able to head the right direction to get home. 

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